“Lizzie is a passionate and enthusiastic individual to work with. She is an extremely driven woman and I look forward to continuing and growing our professional relationship in the future.”
I had the pleasure of attending the 9th National EA & PA Convention in Sydney on 17-18 March held at the beautiful Sydney Harbour Marriott, where Lizzie Wagner was the Chair of the Convention. There were too many highlights for me both on a personal and professional level. What stood out for me on another level, was the Chair, the lovely and symbolic Lizzie Wagner. If any EA's/PA's have the opportunity to meet Lizzie you will see what a lovely, professional and warm human being Lizzie is. If you ever have the pleasure of attending one of Lizzie's workshops or conferences that she maybe Chairing - an opportunity not to be missed.
What an amazing woman! Lizzie gets right to the "heart of the matter" with her key-note presentations. She enhances the presentations with real-life examples, research and humour.
Lizzie is easy to listen to, relates well to her audience and enables attendees to leave a conference with some "key take-away's" to implement back in the office. A highly recommended keynote speaker!
“Not only was Lizzie a highly regarded client of my previous business, I have seen her work her professional magic at several seminars or events. She oozes drive, energy, organisation, focus, warmth, confidence and a delightful magnetism.”
Lizzie Wagner is a fabulous coach and conference facilitator as I have had the pleasure of booking her for coaching sessions for work with the Executive Assistants here at my work place. I have presented at a conference where Lizzie has chaired and she has made such an impact on people and myself. I thoroughly recommend her to anyone who is thinking of attending or looking for someone to host a conference. Her confidence building skills are five star.
“Lizzie and the Lizzie Wagner Group are highly skilled within their field and a delight to work with
“After attending a Lizzie Wagner course, my recruitment and professional development company hired Lizzie to present the etiquette part of our training for industry association Presidents and CEO's new to their role or wishing to improve their presentation skills. Her work strongly complemented our intensive media training so that new appointees felt comfortable in their new roles representing their organisations. Her tips and tricks covered presentation insights, dressing tips, one-on-one etiquette tips for holding drinks, food, serviettes - and still being able to shake hands … and much more. Our clients were very happy with her sessions, appreciative and their feedback was very good.”
“Lizzie is respected as an astute operator by Canberra's business field primarily because she delivers successfully for many of them.”